Sunday, August 31, 2008

Still Learning

I have been trying to read the MILI blogs as they come. I have also observed that many other sites have RSS and places to blog. I have never noticed them before. Yet, this is the only blog I "participate" in. I'm not sure I "get" how you set up a blog for your classroom. I get the setting up individual ones but how do you make the group? I may have missed that in the sea of information on the first few days. I may not be using much yet but I am more aware and thinking about opportunities.

1 comment:

Jeanne LaMoore said...

Check out the blog that Scott Prescott used with his sixth grade music students. He had them doing some Composer of the Month research one time and used the blog to get feedback from them. Another time, they had to respond to their electronic field trip to the San Francisco Orchestra:
One of the biggest benefits is student engagement. A lot of kids love the idea that their audience is more than just the teacher. Some use that power inappropriately, but that too can offer a teachable moment.