Sunday, August 31, 2008

Still Learning

I have been trying to read the MILI blogs as they come. I have also observed that many other sites have RSS and places to blog. I have never noticed them before. Yet, this is the only blog I "participate" in. I'm not sure I "get" how you set up a blog for your classroom. I get the setting up individual ones but how do you make the group? I may have missed that in the sea of information on the first few days. I may not be using much yet but I am more aware and thinking about opportunities.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thing 2

I was thinking of using blogging in my classroom but at this point I think I will wait until I am a bit more comfortable. I am sure the students are probably comfortable but I don't feel I could help if they needed it. I'll wait and see...

Day 2

I am feeling better today now that I have narrowed down a topic for research. I am better able to apply ALL this information that we have been learning.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Learning to Blog

I have already learned so much setting this up. Where does this blog go and how do I know where it is going?